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SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics

Table of Contents
Volume 63, Issue 2, pp. 373-744

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A New Renormalization Method for the Asymptotic Solution of Weakly Nonlinear Vector Systems

B. Mudavanhu and R. E. O'Malley, Jr.

pp. 373-397

A Dynamic Priority Queue Model for Simultaneous Service of Two Traffic Types

Charles Knessl, Charles Tier, and Doo Il Choi

pp. 398-422

Modelling the Dynamics of Turbulent Floods

A. J. Roberts, Z. Mei, and Zhenquan Li

pp. 423-458

The McKean's Caricature of the Fitzhugh--Nagumo Model I. The Space-Clamped System

Arnaud Tonnelier

pp. 459-484

Wave Propagation in Spatially Distributed Excitable Media

Jianbo Yang, John H. Merkin, Serafim Kalliadasis, and Stephen K. Scott

pp. 485-509

A Thermomechanical Model for Energetic Materials with Phase Transformations

D. Scott Stewart, Gregory A. Ruderman, and Jack Jai-ick Yoh

pp. 510-537

A Thermomechanical Model for Energetic Materials with Phase Transformations: Analysis of Simple Motions

D. Scott Stewart, Gregory A. Ruderman, and Jack Jai-ick Yoh

pp. 538-563

Euler's Elastica and Curvature-Based Inpainting

Jianhong Shen, Sung Ha Kang, and Tony F. Chan

pp. 564-592

The APEX Method in Image Sharpening and the Use of Low Exponent Lévy Stable Laws

Alfred S. Carasso

pp. 593-618

Pulse Propagation in Discrete Systems of Coupled Excitable Cells

A. Carpio and L. L. Bonilla

pp. 619-635

Bifurcation Analysis of a Predator-Prey System with Nonmonotonic Functional Response

Gail S. K. Wolkowicz, Huaiping Zhu, and Sue Ann Campbell

pp. 636-682

On a Doubly Nonlinear Parabolic Obstacle Problem Modelling Ice Sheet Dynamics

C. Vázquez, E. Schiavi, J. Durany, J. I. Díaz, and N. Calvo

pp. 683-707

Hyperbolic Phase Transitions in Traffic Flow

Rinaldo M. Colombo

pp. 708-721

Thin Film Traveling Waves and the Navier Slip Condition

Andrea Bertozzi, Michael Shearer, and Robert Buckingham

pp. 722-744